Towards an Anticipatory Governance System (TAGS)

EUR 30.000 - 50.000
Descrizione del lavoro

Towards an Anticipatory Governance System (TAGS)

Brief Description:

An institutional and administrative system capable of perceiving changes before they occur and reducing risks while seizing the opportunities that arise is said to be anticipatory. This project, from an interdisciplinary perspective, explores the concept of anticipatory governance. In particular, the Viterbo Unit focuses on public administration and adopts law as the privileged disciplinary perspective. The ambition is to identify a set of reform actions that allow bureaucracy to resiliently address the challenges posed by the acceleration and complexity of political and social problems.

Impact of the Research:

The research could have a significant impact on strengthening the administrative capacity of the Italian bureaucracy, identified as a key element or cross-cutting reform of the PNRR. The project aims to identify lines of system reform that, adequately disseminated, can provide decision-makers with useful knowledge to improve the functioning of public administration.

Potential impact on students and/or study courses:

The project pays specific attention to the skills necessary for the Italian civil service to adopt an anticipatory approach. Therefore, the research results can contribute to shaping university training paths aimed at strengthening these skills for current and future public employees.

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