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7 Benefits of Choosing Escape Room Training for Team Building

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Trust falls. Icebreaker games. Problem-solving challenges. Do you hear the words “team building” and have to resist the urge to run the other way?

It’s not uncommon for employees to secretly dislike team building activities because they feel forced into participation. They can perceive them as irrelevant to their job, a waste of time, and even uncomfortable if pushed to engage just for the sake of it with colleagues they don’t get along with.

Which rather belies the entire point of “team building”, don’t you think?

Well, we’ve got a slightly unconventional idea that will toss “boring” and “ineffective” out the window.

Next time your boss says it’s time to do a teambuilding activity, you’re going to be putting up your hand and begging them to do this.

Escape room training.

An activity where you’re literally stuck in a room with your colleagues?


In this blog post, we’ll explain what an escape room is, and why employees at any level should push for this engaging and transformative training method in the workplace.

What’s an Escape Room?

Escape room training was originally designed to be something entertaining for families and friends. But it turns out that escape rooms are a powerful tool for developing teamwork, enhancing problem-solving abilities, and promoting effective communication.

An escape room is a real-life adventure game where participants are immersed in a themed environment. They’re tasked with solving a series of puzzles and challenges to “escape” in a predetermined time frame.

Escape room themes could include crime, bomb defusing, espionage, futuristic, prison, murder mystery, or even bank heist settings!

You’re given clues and puzzles, and must accomplish certain tasks (as a team!) in a limited amount of time in order to achieve specific goals.

The success of the participants truly hinges on effective collaboration, critical thinking, and clear communication.

Sounds like fun? Then let’s find out how to persuade your company to give it a go!

How to Persuade Your Company to Embrace Escape Room Training

If you’d like your company to ditch their usual (dull) teambuilding activities, we’ve come up with 7 convincing reasons to strengthen your argument:

#1 Enhanced Teamwork

Escape rooms are a playground for teamwork! They require participants to leverage each other’s strengths, communicate effectively, and collaborate seamlessly under the pressure of a ticking clock. You simply must work together to get out of there. The skills developed in an escape room setting transfer seamlessly to the workplace, fostering stronger bonds among team members.

#2 Faster Conflict Resolution

The challenges within an escape room often demand creative problem-solving, encouraging participants to approach challenges with a quick and fresh perspective. This translates to enhanced conflict resolution skills as employees learn to navigate and overcome obstacles collectively.

#3 More Networking Opportunities

Escape rooms provide a unique environment for colleagues to interact in a non-traditional setting, especially those that don’t work so closely together under normal circumstances. Participants get to witness each other’s problem-solving styles, strengths, and collaboration techniques, laying the foundation for more effective networking opportunities once they’re back in the workplace.

#4 Better Communication

Communication is the cornerstone of successful collaborations. Escape room training places participants in scenarios where communication is essential. The diversity of challenges requires clear and concise communication to unravel puzzles and progress through the room as a team. This augmented communication directly transplants to the workplace. Whether it’s conveying ideas during a team meeting or outlining a strategy, the enhanced communication skills acquired in an escape room setting contribute to a more cohesive, transparent, and collaborative environment.

#5 Smoother Problem-Solving

The skill of approaching problems with a fresh perspective is a valuable asset. The core essence of escape room challenges lies in the realm of problem-solving. Participants are confronted with a number of puzzles, each requiring a unique approach and solution. This constant stimulation of the problem-solving mindset hones their ability to think critically and creatively. In the workplace, this leads to an enhanced capacity to tackle complex challenges, devise innovative solutions, and adapt better to uncertainty.

#6 Increased Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is a crucial measure of organizational success. It impacts productivity, satisfaction, and workplace dynamics. Traditional team-building activities can sometimes lack the excitement needed to fully captivate participants. In contrast, escape rooms inject a sense of adventure and urgency into the experience, making it far more engaging. Plus, the fun of solving puzzles against the clock creates a memorable and enjoyable atmosphere! This not only makes training more effective, but contributes to a positive and energized team. As employees feel more invested in their training experiences, they are more likely to carry this enthusiasm in the workplace.

#7 Positive Office Culture

Last but not least, corporate culture sets the tone for the overall employee experience within an organization. Escape room training, with its emphasis on collaboration, communication, and problem-solving, fosters a more positive culture. The shared experience of overcoming challenges and achieving a common goal strengthens the sense of camaraderie among team members. When teambuilding is a success, this feeling extends beyond the escape room, influencing day-to-day interactions and creating great memories. The cohesive culture cultivated through escape room training contributes to increased employee morale, job satisfaction, and a sense of belonging. Ultimately, this leads to reduces turnover and attracts strong talent, positioning the company as an employer of choice.


There you have it: 7 great benefits to convince your boss and HR to book escape room training for your next team building event.

As we’ve seen, escape room training offers an entirely new and immersive approach to team building, conflict resolution, and networking. The dynamic and necessarily collaborative nature of these events not only helps employees to refine essential workplace skills, but also contributes to a more positive and collaborative organizational culture.

In fact, escape room training is a very smart investment for companies seeking to nurture a highly skilled, cohesive, and motivated team.

By embracing this unconventional yet effective training tool, organizations position themselves on the forefront of professional development, encouraging a workplace where creativity, communication, and collaboration thrive.

Key takeaways

  • Originally designed for entertainment, escape rooms have emerged as powerful tools for enhancing teamwork, conflict resolution, and networking within the workplace
  • Escape room training offers an entertaining yet highly efficient departure from traditional team-building activities by providing an immersive and engaging experience that fosters collaboration, problem-solving, and communication skills
  • The skills developed in an escape room setting directly translate to the workplace, leading to improved productivity, satisfaction, and overall workplace dynamics
  • Escape room training contributes to a positive organizational culture by strengthening camaraderie, boosting morale, and fostering a sense of belonging among team members
  • Embracing escape room training demonstrates a smart commitment to professional development and positions organizations as innovative and forward-thinking employers

For more insights, tips and strategies related to this topic, be sure to read our other articles: What is Emotional Intelligence & How Can EQ Boost Your Career & Soft Skills vs. Hard Skills - What’s the Difference? (With Examples) & What is Culture Fit & Why It Matters in Your Job Search

Related questions

What are the benefits of using escape rooms for team building?

Escape rooms offer numerous benefits for team building, including enhanced teamwork, better communication, and improved problem-solving skills. Participants must collaborate and think critically under time pressure, which strengthens their ability to work together in a high-stress environment. These activities can also boost employee engagement and foster a positive office culture.

How do escape rooms help with conflict resolution among team members?

Escape rooms help with conflict resolution by providing a controlled environment where team members must navigate challenges and solve puzzles together. This experience encourages creative problem-solving and quick thinking, which can translate to better conflict resolution skills in the workplace. Working together to overcome obstacles can also build trust and improve interpersonal relationships.

Can escape room training improve communication skills in the workplace?

Yes, escape room training can significantly improve communication skills. The diverse challenges require participants to communicate clearly and concisely to unravel puzzles and achieve their goals. This enhanced communication in a fun, engaging setting can directly translate to better teamwork and collaboration in the workplace, leading to a more cohesive and effective team dynamic.

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